Thursday, 2 May 2013

satellite communication important questions

satellite communication important questions


10/10/2011 / Satellite Communication / Assignment Questions / Topics: Spacecraft Systems and Satellite Systems


1. What are the major subsystems of a satellite? Explain their role with particular reference to a communication satellite.

2. What are the different factors that affect the orbiting path and attitude? Elaborate methods of station keeping.

3. Write short notes on : a.) DBS b.) GPS c.) Satellite Mobile Services.

4. Explain what is meant by satellite attitude and briefly describe two forms of attitude control. Explain the terms roll, pitch and yaw associated in this regard.

5. Describe briefly the Tracking, Telemetry and Command facilities of a satellite communication system.

6. With neat diagram describe three basic network architectures using VSAT.

7. Describe with block schematic the functioning of a typical VSAT earth station and HUB master control station.

8. Draw the block diagram of a communication satellite transponder. Explain how the down conversion is done.

9. Write notes on : a.) GPS receivers and codes b.) Direct Broadcast Satellites for Television.

10. Explain with a block diagram the Direct Broadcast System.

11. Explain with the help of a neat diagram i.) Spin Stabilized & ii.) Three-axis (body) stabilized attitude control system.

12. Briefly describe the main types of antennas used on satellites.

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